In 1999, the establishment of World Heart Day was announced by the World Heart Federation (WHF), in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO). The idea for this annual event was conceived by Antoni Bayés de Luna, president of WHF from 1997–99. Until 2011, World Heart Day was originally  observed on the last Sunday in September, with the first celebration taking place on September 24, 2000, presently World Heart day is being observed yearly every 29th day of September.

The importance of the world Heart Day cannot be overemphasized because cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death globally. In the early 2000s, roughly 17 million people worldwide died from cardiovascular diseases annually. The majority of these deaths were the result of coronary heart disease or stroke. Although cardiovascular diseases are often considered to be afflictions of people living in developed countries where sedentary lifestyle is common, more than 80 percent of deaths from these diseases occur in low- and middle-income developing countries. World Heart Day avails us the opportunity to learn the causes of heart diseases as well as various means to prevent them.

While cardiovascular diseases can refer to different heart or blood vessel problems, the term is often used to mean damage to your heart or blood vessels by atherosclerosis, a buildup of fatty plaques in your arteries. Plaque buildup thickens and stiffens artery walls, which can inhibit blood flow through your arteries to your organs and tissues.

Atherosclerosis is also the most common cause of cardiovascular disease. It can be caused by correctable problems, such as an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, being overweight and smoking. Thus, even in developing countries, which often lack efficient health care programs, the majority of these diseases can be prevented. Other causes of heart disease include heart defects you’re born with (congenital heart defects), diabetes mellitus, excessive use of alcohol or caffeine, drug abuse and stress.

No one is too young or too old to take care of their heart. Hence, all age groups must adopt measures to prevent the occurence of heart diseases. Adoption of healthy diet is the most important measure to achieve healthy weight reduction as well as to prevent heart diseases. This means eating meals low in sodium and saturated fats but contain more of fish, nuts, legumes fiber-rich whole grains, skinless poultry, fruits and vegetables.

How can one know he/she has a heart disease? By regular checking with an accurate sphygmomanometer. How regularly do you visit the pharmacy close to you to check your blood pressure? Remember that early detection of heart diseases reduces complications and risk involved. Lastly, regular exercise can help lower stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins.  America Heart Association has prescribed workup to at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activities every week.

It takes more than a beautiful body, we need to have a functional heart. Let us all preserve our healthy lives by caring for the precious Heart. As we celebrate the World Heart Day be informed that “the power to be heart healthy has been handed to you today, choose wisely and diligently how you wish to use it”

CONTRIBUTORS: Pharm. Gloria Nwankwo, Pharm. Chioma Odogwu, Pharm. Rejoice Thomas Kaigama, Pharm. Mmesoma Mgboko, Pharm. Taiwo Olawehinmi, Pharm. Temitayo Soyinka, Pharm. Obianuju Nnedigwe, Pharm. Samuel Adedoyin, Pharm. Rufina Ezeanowi, Pharm. Onyedikachi Obike, Pharm. Chisom Anaedu, Pharm. Temitayo Aderibigbe.

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